Manik Hot-Deploy

Maven Plugin

Manik-Hot-Deploy is a Maven Plugin which brings hot-deploy to your web development. It supports Jakarta EE, Spring or any other Java Web framework. You can deploy your web application on Application Servers like Wildfly, Glassfish, Payara, JBoss EAP, as also any other kind of Web Server.

Quick Start...

For Autodeployment simply run:

$ mvn clean install

To start the Hotdeployment mode run:

$ mvn manik-hotdeploy:hotdeploy

Auto Deployment

Auto-Deployment means that you simply copy a web- (.war) or enterprise application (.ear) into a specific directory of your application server.The application server will automatically detect the new artefact and starts a deployment process. If the application was already deployed before a redeployment will be started.

Hot Deployment

Hot-Deplyoment (or incremental deployment) deploys parts of your application during development. This will save you a lot of time during development. Incremental deployment means, that in the moment when you are changing a web resource the change is immediately visible in your application without the need for a redeploy.


Manik Hot-Deploy is an open source project and we invite you to participate in it. If you like it, or if you have any ideas or questions, then follow us on GitHub and start contributing. On the project home on Github you will find several examples and you can also checkout the source code.